The Big Idea

Folly by definition is a foolish action or idea, the word absurdity and phrase "lack of sense" seem to continually arise. But what would life be like without these follies? Why not embrace these ideas and get a little nutty! This is my journal for those adventures, and along the way I hope to meet new people, take the path less traveled, have some fun, and spread the story of this sustainable journey we call life! Here you’ll find short anecdotes about my life, links to enlightenment, and opinions on how to have fun! I would love to hear about your folly, so feel free to e-mail me, I might just post them, and thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little more....

Well today I pushed a little harder. I am finally feeling good enough to get back to some respectable distances. It was hard for a month being limited to 2 and 3 mile runs with the long ones being only 4 or 5 miles. But with still no snow on the ground, and trails bone dry I felt the urge to get out there on the dirt.

I pushed just past 7.5 miles, about half was on single track half on pavement, and although it's always more fun for me to run on the dirt, it is a little tricky in the five fingers. You just need to be really aware of where you are stepping. I also noticed for the first time today, how much more difficult it is to run down hill in the vibram's. It could have been a combination of steep grades and rocky dirt trail, but noticed how much I had to slow down at one point on one of the longer descents.

With that all being said though, I did run my longest distance yet in the five fingers and I felt really strong and much faster than 4 months ago when I really picked running up again. I cannot contribute that all to the shoes, they have helped me smooth out my technique, but I also think I am finally really getting stronger and more fit, so speed and ease would come with that I suppose. Well nothing else to report, I love the shoes, and so far no blow outs, a concern I had when I bought them since they are so thin. My bro's already are seeing some tearing and he got them about the same time as me, so I will try to report any unusual wear if it occurs. Later!

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