The Big Idea

Folly by definition is a foolish action or idea, the word absurdity and phrase "lack of sense" seem to continually arise. But what would life be like without these follies? Why not embrace these ideas and get a little nutty! This is my journal for those adventures, and along the way I hope to meet new people, take the path less traveled, have some fun, and spread the story of this sustainable journey we call life! Here you’ll find short anecdotes about my life, links to enlightenment, and opinions on how to have fun! I would love to hear about your folly, so feel free to e-mail me, I might just post them, and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Press Check, Jackson Hole!!


I was invited by the publications team from NOLS HQ to accompany them to Jackson Hole to do a press check on the spring Leader. The Leader is a publication put out by NOLS 3 times a year and is distributed all over to NOLS alumni. The Leader contains interesting articles featuring NOLS alumn, updates about the school, and tons of other useful NOLS related information.


The guys at the press hard at work making the Leader look great!


Good thing we went to the press check, here is a before and after look at the Leader! The guys at the press in Jackson Hole were great and got the paper looking amazing!


We also happened to be in Jackson Hole for the World Championship Hill Climbing Festival, so town was clogged with people, snow machines, and big trucks! So needless to say, we spent the night, had a few beers, and promptly left early the next morning to avoid the chaos!

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