The Big Idea

Folly by definition is a foolish action or idea, the word absurdity and phrase "lack of sense" seem to continually arise. But what would life be like without these follies? Why not embrace these ideas and get a little nutty! This is my journal for those adventures, and along the way I hope to meet new people, take the path less traveled, have some fun, and spread the story of this sustainable journey we call life! Here you’ll find short anecdotes about my life, links to enlightenment, and opinions on how to have fun! I would love to hear about your folly, so feel free to e-mail me, I might just post them, and thanks for visiting!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second Stem

Here is a picture or two for those of you that were wondering how I lowered my handlebar bag and made room for all my other stuff! Well first of all, I had my main light on the front of my front rack, as well as frog lights on the drop bars. This alone cleared a bunch of real estate up front. Then I designed this second stem idea and cut down a pair of old handlebars to give myself another purchase for anything I might need to mount. I decided to mount my handlebar bag there, which lowered it into a much better position. This of course made plenty of room for my bell, and computer without mucking up the whole flight deck.

I hope that is clear enough, here are some pictures of the contraption!!

Thanks again for stopping by Ronto's Folly!

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